4D Scavenger® Skid

4D Scavenger® Skid
The 4D Scavenger® Skid is an ideal solution for permanent and temporary indoor installations. Its compact size and modular design allow for seamless integration with existing production or waste management systems.
The solution uses innovative 4D Scavenger® technology which enables recovery of valuable raw materials and ensures compliance with environmental regulations.
- Intended use: extraction of dissolved raw materials
- Customizable and modular units
- Perfect for batch-processes and smaller streams
- Available both as manual and automatic
- Compact unit sizes
- Easy to integrate with existing processes

How it works?
The 4D Scavenger® Skid can be customized to recover and remove dissolved elements from water streams. Necessary pre-treatment methods, such as pre-filtration or pH adjustment can be provided with the unit.
The system uses Weeefiner’s unique 4D Scavenger® technology to selectively extract target raw materials. Skid is available with manual or automatic operation. Once the 4D Scavenger® filters are filled, they can be washed to produce usable metal or nutrient concentrate.
Technical details
- Base: skid
- Size: starting from 120x80x180 cm
- Example capacity: 1-15 m3/h per unit
- Main technology: 4D Scavenger®
- Manufacturer: Weeefiner Oy
- Country of origin: Finland
Where to start?
We customize all our solutions to fit the unique requirements and goals of the process.
Ask for a free consultation to discover how our solutions can help you.

Customizing the 4D Scavenger®

Scaling and process design

Delivery and commissioning

Filter exchanges and support